Rosebush – A Poem


Rosebush – A Poem On Nature And Flowers

I am mesmerized by your petals –
Stained crimson red with beauty.
Delicate like soft velvet,
Detailed in form, hiding mystery.
Your aroma arises to meet me.
Scents of seduction, the fragrance of romanticism you send.
Your hands stretch out across the winds,
Captivating, caressing, and undressing my defenses
To lure me in.
But your sweet promises hold no weight.
For as I lean in towards your skin
I am stung by the thorns of fate.
Razor-sharp barbs jut out from your sides
Piercing this heart of mine
And my blood trickles and drips upon your lips.
My eyes are opened to the source of your color.
You are merely a vampiress that sucks your beauty
At the expense of others.
Within, you are cold and deprived of life
Simply harvesting the appearance of beauty from your bite.
You must delight in the selfishness that grows in your rows,
The darkness that casts shadows, foreshadowing your true nature.
Quick with a smile at the approaching sound
Of an unsuspecting stranger.
Your hands no longer caress but strangle,
Like vice grips locked and tight.
Your feet only waiting to feed your feeble frame
Before they take flight.
Rosebush, you once were a flower but have become a bitter weed.
Your thorns have managed to devour any chance to sow love’s seed.
It is no wonder you grow in the garden alone,
Unavailable, unable to be touched, empty and without a home.
Rosebush, I’ve taken my last abuse, heard the last excuse.
Rosebush, sting me one last time, as I pull you up from your roots.

-Poem Written by Justin Farley

photo credit: Cold Nights via photopin (license)

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